Latest Past Events

Plural Geographies: Exploring Alternative Ecologies and Navigating Through the Field

The Graduate Student Association of Archaeology (GSAA) will be holding the 10th annual UCLA Graduate Archaeology Research Conference on Tuesday, May 16 – Wednesday, May 17. This year's theme is Plural Geographies: Exploring Alternative Ecologies and Navigating Through the Field. The conference will take place in person at UCLA, with some hybrid aspects on Zoom. The...

Confusion of the Babels: Multilingualism and Translation in Ancient Judaism with Steven D. Fraade

Royce Hall 306 10745 Dickson Court, Los Angeles

The Center for the Study of Religion invites you to a talk by Steven D. Fraade on Tuesday, May 14 from 4:00–5:00 pm in Royce 306. While the usual rendering and  understanding of the Tower of Babel narrative (Gen 11:1–9) presumes the existence of one unified divine and human language (usually Hebrew, but with other...

Confusion of the Babels: Multilingualism and Translation in Ancient Judaism Confusion of the Babels: Multilingualism and Translation in Ancient Judaism with Steven D. Fraade

Royce Hall 306 10745 Dickson Court, Los Angeles

While the usual rendering and  understanding of the Tower of Babel narrative (Gen 11:1–9) presumes the existence of one unified divine and human language (usually Hebrew, but with other candidates) between Eden and Babel, an alternative narrative imagines there having already existed a totality of ‘seventy” languages from the beginning, and only at Babel having...