Canceled—Pourdavoud Lecture Series with Robert Rollinger

Royce Hall 306 10745 Dickson Court, Los Angeles, California

PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED The “Persian Wars”: An Alternative Perspective? Wednesday, May 1 from 4:00–6:00 pm Royce Hall 306 Registration Requested—Please click here The “Persian Wars” are still regarded by many scholars and the interested general public as one of the major events in western history. The instructive and captivating narrative of...

Five Generations of Lakota Holy Men with Richard Moves Camp

UCLA Faculty Club 480 Charles E Young Dr E, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Center for the Study of Religion invites you to a conversation between Richard Moves Camp and the editor and associate editor of his book My Grandfather’s Altar: Five Generations of Lakota Holy Men. They will share stories from this oral-literary narrative account of five generations of Lakota religious tradition on Monday, May 6 from...

Transforming from Yi to Xia: A Bioanthropological Observation on Cultural Transition with Hui Fang

Fowler Museum A222 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The UCLA Waystation Initiative invites you to a lecture by Professor Hui Fang (Shandong University) titled Transforming from Yi to Xia: A Bioanthropological Observation on Cultural Transition. The talk will take place on Tuesday, May 7 at 4:00 pm in person in Fowler A222 as well as on Zoom. For the Zoom meeting information, please...

Canceled—Pourdavoud Lecture Series with Wu Xin

Royce Hall 306 10745 Dickson Court, Los Angeles, California

PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED Regal Metamorphosis: A Transcultural Journey of the Achaemenid Royal Women to the East Xiwangmu, also known as the Queen of the West, is a significant deity in ancient Chinese mythology, revered initially as the protector of departed souls. Her representation emerged during the late Western Han period around...

Postponed—And God Laughed: Humor in the Bible with Joel Kaminsky

Royce Hall 306 10745 Dickson Court, Los Angeles, California

Please note that this event has been postponed Presented by the Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies. Co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Religion. Since the Hebrew Bible is a sacred text for Jews and Christians many readers naturally assume it cannot contain any humor. This talk will explore several biblical narratives...

Canceled—International Conference on “Plato and Lyric Poetry”

Dodd Hall 248 315 Portolo Plaza, Los Angeles

Please note this event has been canceled UCLA's Department of Classics invites you to an International Conference on “Plato and Lyric Poetry” on Friday and Saturday, May 10-11, 2024 in Dodd Hall 248. For more information and the complete program, please click here. Featured Speakers will be: David Blank Michael Brumbaugh Pierre Destrée Marcus Folch...

Andean Working Group with Dr. Vladimir G. Gil Ramon

The Andean Working Group is pleased to announce that Dr. Vladimir G. Gil Ramon (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru) will be delivering a talk on Monday, May 13. Please check back in the coming weeks for additional information.

Canceled—A City in Transition: Reflections on Recent Investigations at Morgantina (Sicily) with Alex Walthall

Dodd Hall 247 315 Portolo Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Please note that this event has been canceled The UCLA Department of Classics invites you to a lecture by Alex Walthall (Associate Professor of Greek and Roman Archaeology, Classics, UT Austin) titled A City in Transition: Reflections on Recent Investigations at Morgantina (Sicily). The talk will take place on Monday, May 13 at 12:00 pm...

Confusion of the Babels: Multilingualism and Translation in Ancient Judaism Confusion of the Babels: Multilingualism and Translation in Ancient Judaism with Steven D. Fraade

Royce Hall 306 10745 Dickson Court, Los Angeles, California

While the usual rendering and  understanding of the Tower of Babel narrative (Gen 11:1–9) presumes the existence of one unified divine and human language (usually Hebrew, but with other candidates) between Eden and Babel, an alternative narrative imagines there having already existed a totality of ‘seventy” languages from the beginning, and only at Babel having...

Confusion of the Babels: Multilingualism and Translation in Ancient Judaism with Steven D. Fraade

Royce Hall 306 10745 Dickson Court, Los Angeles, California

The Center for the Study of Religion invites you to a talk by Steven D. Fraade on Tuesday, May 14 from 4:00–5:00 pm in Royce 306. While the usual rendering and  understanding of the Tower of Babel narrative (Gen 11:1–9) presumes the existence of one unified divine and human language (usually Hebrew, but with other...