Global Antiquity Begins!

Published: December 2, 2015

Global Antiquity is pleased to introduce itself to the UCLA community! Officially launched by the Dean of the Humanities in October of 2022, the Institute for the Study of Global Antiquity aims to bring together a diverse group of scholars for a new dialogue on ancient worlds and how these continue to shape our present. In doing so, this endeavor will add visibility to one of several areas of the Humanities in which UCLA excels and provide new opportunities for more faculty and students to find a collaborative, interdisciplinary home. As we begin to grow and expand our programs and offerings, Global Antiquity also looks forward to hearing from our faculty, students, and the entire UCLA community as to how it can best shape itself as an institute that complements and adds to UCLA’s existing offerings and expertises.

We are grateful to all those whose work has already helped to shape this new vision of ancient worlds, and we look forward to announcing new opportunities for research, funding, pedagogy, and administrative support over the coming months and years!