Call for Papers – 10th UCLA Graduate Archaeology Research Conference

Published: November 13, 2023

The Graduate Student Association of Archaeology at the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA would like to invite the graduate students at UCLA to participate in the 10th UCLA Graduate Archaeology Research Conference. This year, the theme is Plural Geographies: exploring alternative ecologies and navigating through the field. While this is an archaeology conference, it is intended to be a multidisciplinary event, and the organizers invite participation from graduate students beyond the discipline of archaeology. For more information or to submit an abstract, please click  this link.

The conference will take place at UCLA on May 16 and 17, with some hybrid aspects on Zoom. The organizers are also very happy to announce two keynote speakers, who together represent different scholarly backgrounds and intellectual engagements with our theme: Dr. Anna Agbe-Davies, a historical archaeologist focused particularly on African diasporic contexts, and Dr. Menna Agha, an architect and scholar of social justice within the field of architecture.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email