The Program in Indo-European Studies and the Department of Classics at the University of California, Los Angeles, have been authorized to make an appointment to a full-time position in Classical linguistics and Classical (=Ancient Greek and Latin) literature and culture at open rank (Assistant [tenure-track], Associate/Full Professor [with tenure]), effective July 1, 2024. They invite applications from scholars with philological and linguistic expertise in Classical and Indo- European linguistics and significant professional engagement with Classical literature and culture. The successful candidate will be able to offer courses in both Greek and Italic historical and comparative linguistics and in core Indo-European linguistics as well as in Classical literature and culture (specialty open). They would welcome applicants who could also contribute to other UCLA interdisciplinary academic units such as the Institute for Global Antiquity, the Pourdavoud Center for the Study of the Iranian World, the Center for the Study of Religion, and the Program in Digital Humanities.
For the complete details please click: PIES-Classics ad 9-28