Creating Urban Archaeology: Entanglements of Archaeological Fieldwork, Research Agendas and Geopolitical Developments in the Late Ottoman and Mandate Periods with Rubina Raja
April 7 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
Kaplan Hall 365,
415 Portola Plaza
Los Angeles, California 90095 + Google Map
Los Angeles, California 90095 + Google Map

The Departments of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Classics, and Anthropology and the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology invite you to a talk by Professor Rubina Raja (Classical Archaeology and Art, Aarhus) titled Creating Urban Archaeology: Entanglements of Archaeological Fieldwork, Research Agendas and Geopolitical Developments in the Late Ottoman and Mandate Periods. The talk will take place on Monday, April 7 from 10:00–11:00 am in Kaplan 365. For more information, please see the flyer above.