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Res Difficiles 4 | Difficult Conversations in Classics
The 2023 Res Difficiles conference will take place on March 24th 2023. Register for the conference here.
Classics at the University of California Los Angeles, and Classics, Philosophy, & Religious Studies at the University of Mary Washington present Res Difficiles: A Conference On Challenges and Pathways for Addressing Inequity In Classics. Co-organized by Hannah Čulík-Baird and Joseph Romero.
May 24th 2023. All times Eastern Standard Time.
9-9.30 Settling In
9.30-10 Suzanne Lye, “Can We Please Get Back to Research?: Creating Space Through Service”
10-10.30 Tori Lee, “Networking in the Margins: Towards a Future for Affinity Groups in Classics”
10.30-10.45 Q&A
10.45-11.15 Tara Wells, “The Dangers of Reception: Harmful Uses of Classical Art for the Oppression and Othering of Indigenous Americans — Why it Matters”
11.15-11.45 Ashley Lance, “Rez Diff: Indigenous Philosophies and Ancient Thought”
11.45-12 Q&A
12-12.30 BREAK
12.30-1 Lylaah Bhalerao, “Black Carthage: Rethinking Perceptions and Presentations of Race in the Punic City”
1-1.30 Jermaine Bryant, “Beyond Reception: On the Limits of Classical Reception and New Directions”
1.30-1.45 Q&A
1.45-2.15 Javal Coleman, “Comparative Slaveries in Ancient and Modern Contexts”
2.15-2.45 Farnoosh Shamsian and Gregory Crane, “Re-reading Plato In Persian: Linguistic Diversity Through Digital Annotations”
2.45-3 Q&A
3-4 Keynote: Jackie Murray, “Race, Slavery, and Tyranny in Plato’s Republic”
All times are US Eastern. The event will be live-streamed via Zoom and use automated Zoom captioning. Participants/viewers may live-tweet the event on the hashtag #ResDiff4