Disenchantment of the Silk Road: A Chinese Archaeology Workshop

Fowler Museum A222 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The East Asian Lab, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology invites you to a Chinese Archaeology Workshop with Professor Wan Xiang. In this lecture, he reevaluates the academic legacy of Johan Gunnar Andersson within the broader framework of Eurasian historiography and Chinese archaeology. By reassessing Andersson's work on the origins of Chinese civilization, the lecture will first...

After Antiquity Graduate Colloquium

Kaplan Hall 365 415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, California

The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures is pleased to announce the next ‘After Antiquity’ Graduate Colloquium, sponsored by the UCLA Humanities Division. The event will take place on Wednesday, February 5 at 12:00 pm in Kaplan 365. Lunch is provided for UCLA students and faculty who RSVP. The ‘After Antiquity’ Graduate Colloquium is...

Mycenaean Histories: Breaking and Reassembling the Late Bronze Age with Dimitri Nakassis

Dodd Hall 248 315 Portolo Plaza, Los Angeles

The Department of Classics invites you to a lecture by Professor Dimitri Nakassis (Classics, University of Colorado Boulder) titled Mycenaean Histories: Breaking and Reassembling the Late Bronze Age. The event will take place on Monday, February 10 at 5:00 pm in Dodd 248, and all are welcome! For more information, please see the flyer above and the...

Cotsen Wednesday talk- The Importance of Wetlands in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Aegean with Jean-Paul Crielaard

Fowler Museum A222 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology invites you to the next in its series of Wednesday pizza talks. Please join Professor Jean-Paul Crielaard (Mideterranean Pre- and Protohistorical Archaeology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) on Wednesday, February 12 at 12:00 pm in Fowler A222 for a talk title The Importance of Wetlands in the Late Bronze Age and Early...

Cotsen Wednesday Talk- Disabled Ideals in Archaic Greek Religious Practices with Debby Sneed

Fowler Museum A222 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology invites you to the next in its series of Wednesday pizza talks. On Wednesday, February 19, Professor Debby Sneed (Classics, Cal State Long Beach) will speak on Disabled Ideals in Archaic Greek Religious Practices. The event will take place at 12:00 pm in Fowler A222, and all are welcome! Abstract:...

Disabling the Classical: Beyond Typologies of Ancient Greek and Roman Architecture

Dodd Hall 248 315 Portolo Plaza, Los Angeles

The Department of Classics invites you to a lecture by Professor Mantha Zarmakoupi (Roman Architecture, University of Pennsylvania) titled Disabling the Classical: Beyond Typologies of Ancient Greek and Roman Architecture. The event will take place on Thursday, February 20 in Dodd 248 at 4:00 pm, and all are welcome! Description: Notions of the “classical” are...

Sustaining Heritage and Empowering Communities: The Dynamic Legacy of the Ifugao Rice Terraces

Fowler Museum, Lenart Auditorium 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Ifugao Rice Terraces, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Philippines, represent a living cultural landscape shaped by centuries of Indigenous knowledge and community resilience. This lecture will explore the multifaceted efforts to preserve and sustain this iconic heritage amid challenges posed by climate change, modernization, and globalization. Drawing on his extensive experience with community-led...

Brazilian Repatriation in Practice: Legal Challenges and Alternative Solutions with Anauene Dias Soares

Fowler Museum A222 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Waystation Initiative and the UCLA/Getty Conservation Program invite you to a lecture by Anauene Dias Soares (International Council of Museums & Visiting Graduate Student, UCLA) titled Brazilian Repatriation in Practice: Legal Challenges and Alternative Solutions. The event will take place on Friday, February 21 from 4:00–5:00 pm in Fowler A222 and on Zoom. To...

Meet the People Who Built Japan: Early Medieval Craft and Technology in the Aftermath of Disaster with Ariel Stilerman

Royce Hall 243 10745 Dickson Court, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Yanai Initiative presents a lecture by Professor Ariel Stilerman (East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford), who will deliver a talk titled Meet the People Who Built Japan: Early Medieval Craft Technology in the Aftermath of Disaster. This event will take place on Sunday, February 23 from 4:00–5:30 pm in Royce 243.