Cotsen Wednesday Talk: Crafting Communities into Contact: Seals, Scripts, and the Making of an East Mediterranean Exchange System (ca. 2300–1500 BCE) with Nadia Ben Marzouk

Fowler Museum A222 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology hopes that you will save the date for a lunch talk by Nadia Ben Marzouk (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA) on Wednesday, October 30. At 12:00 pm in Fowler A222, Dr. Ben Marzouk will speak on Crafting Communities into Contact: Seals, Scripts, and the Making of an East Mediterranean...

Ground Breaking lecture – Returns: Rethinking Objects, Knowledge, and Relationships with Silvia Forni and Erica P. Jones

Fowler Museum, Lenart Auditorium 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

On February 5, 2024, the Fowler returned a group of objects to His Majesty, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the 16th Asante King (Asantehene). On July 23, 2024, 20 historical treasures were returned to the Warumungu community in Tennant Creek, in the northern Territory of Australia. Join Silvia Forni, the Shirley & Ralph Shapiro Director of the...

Global Antiquity Lunch Series- Nubian Rites, Linguistics, and Gold: An Unusual Demotic Term Explored with Solange Ashby

Royce Hall 306 10745 Dickson Court, Los Angeles, California

  Global Antiquity is pleased to invite you to the first in its 2024–2025 Faculty Lunch Series talks, featuring Professor Solange Ashby (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA). On Friday, November 8 from 12:00 pm–1:30 pm in Royce 306, she will speak on Nubian Rites, Linguistics, and Gold: An Unusual Demotic Term Explored. Lunch and...

Byzantium Within a Medieval Eurafricasian Literary Polysystem: Historiography, Fictional Tales, and the Practices of Narrative Representation with Panagiotis Agapitos

Byzantium Within a Medieval Eurafricasian Literary Polysystem: Historiography, Fictional Tales, and the Practices of Narrative Representation Friday, November 15, 4:00–6:00 pm Royce Hall 306 Co-sponsored by the Pourdavoud Institute for the Study of the Iranian World and Iranian Studies Byzantium and its literature has been excluded from the national canons of European literatures. While there...

Byzantine Crime Novels in the Twenty-first Century: From History to Fiction with Panagiotis Agapitos

Royce Hall 314 10745 Dickson Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

Byzantine Crime Novels in the Twenty-first Century: From History to Fiction A lecture by Panagiotis Agapitos Gutenberg Distinguished Research Fellow University of Mainz Saturday, November 16, 2024 4:00 p.m. 314 Royce Hall, UCLA Campus Reception to follow RSVP link: Event is free but RSVPs are requested. Conversation following the lecture with Sharon Gerstel, Director, UCLA...

Reading Tool Marks on Egyptian Stone Sculpture with Anna Serotta

Kaplan Hall 365 415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, California

The department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures invites you to a lecture by Anna Serotta (Metropolitan Museum of Art) on Reading Tool Marks on Egyptian Stone Sculpture. The talk will take place on Tuesday, November 19 in Kaplan 365 at 4:00 pm. For additional information, please see the flyer above.

Historic Preservation: Relevancy, Community, and Resilience in a Changing Climate with Julianne Polanco

James West Alumni Center Los Angeles, CA, United States

Glenn Wharton Professor, Department of Art History Lore and Gerald Cunard Chair, UCLA/Getty Program in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Invites you to attend UCLA/Getty Program’s Distinguished Speaker Series featuring: Julianne Polanco State Historic Preservation Officer California Office of Historic Preservation speaking on “Historic Preservation: Relevancy, Community, and Resilience in a Changing Climate” Thursday, November...

Crossreads and I.Sicily: Digital and Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Epigraphy of Ancient Sicily with Jonathan Prag

Dodd Hall 248 315 Portolo Plaza, Los Angeles

Description: This talk presents the ongoing work of the I.Sicily and Crossreads projects. I.Sicily is a multilingual digital corpus of the inscriptions of ancient Sicily based upon fresh autopsy (; Crossreads is 5-year ERC project developing and applying linguistic, palaeographic and archaeometric analyses to this corpus ( The ambition of both projects is to make...