Disenchantment of the Silk Road: A Chinese Archaeology Workshop

Fowler Museum A222 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The East Asian Lab, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology invites you to a Chinese Archaeology Workshop with Professor Wan Xiang. In this lecture, he reevaluates the academic legacy of Johan Gunnar...

After Antiquity Graduate Colloquium

Kaplan Hall 365 415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, California

The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures is pleased to announce the next ‘After Antiquity’ Graduate Colloquium, sponsored by the UCLA Humanities Division. The event will take place on...

Cotsen Wednesday Talk- A Diachronic Perspective on Farming in Ancient Anatolia: Twelve Millennia of Agriculture in Two Centuries of Paleoethnobotanical Research with Lorenzo Castellano

Fowler Museum A222 308 Charles E Young Dr N, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology invites you to the next in its series of Wednesday pizza talks. On Wednesday, February 26, Dr. Lorenzo Castellano (Postdoctoral Scholar, Cotsen Institute) will speak...